We thank thee for a great day like this
In which we carousal the freedom given
In this our great country Nigeria
Oh God, the footing on which it was laid
Was squeaky, faulty, frail and unsure but
Thou has kept us together hundred years far
In unity, love, peace and progress
Grateful we are for our founding Fathers
The inspirations and acumen given to them
To fight for our freedom with their blood
And to preserve the concord of our nationhood
We thank thee for their prodigious wisdom
To build a heterogeneous people together
Under one great parasol of greatness
Called the Federal Republic of Nigeria
Hundred years we have lived together
In peace, truculent, forays, clangs and love
Insuperable, resilient and firm we have stood
Slowly but surely subverting with Thine help
Oh Father, the country thou gave us
Is threatened with oodles of fissures
Guide and guard our good leaders and
The good Nigerians to cow them all
Our Eternal Father who art in Heaven
Thanks for given us Nigeria our country
As we celebrate this liberty given