Thursday, 19 November 2015

Sing Praise To God

Sing praise to God
Our father and Friend above
Rejoice in His Holy word
It is full of peace and love

Sing praise to God
The creator, maker, and King
In joy or pains, season bad or good
Lift up your voices and sing

Sing praise to God
Whatever thy lot may betide
Make a joyful noise abroad
A sure happiness will abide

Sing praise to God
He loves you and cares
In music plead on His blood
He listens, hears and answers prayers

Sing praise to God
With organ, drums, psalms and hymns
Let gratitude fill your heart abode
He will bless and bless you all times

Friday, 23 October 2015

What Have I Done?

There is something I have done
Two options and I have chosen one
whether it be right or wrong
As for the time been, I know not
The heart has waited too long
And now must have a side to belong
Whether it would future please
Or make the heart's pains ease
Whether the future would be cold or hot
As for the time been, I know not
Whether it would be a thing of the now
Or make hopes and dreams come somehow
Bringing to real the tying of knot
As for the time been I know not
Whether it would bring blessings or curse
Or make living better or worse
Bringing positivity in behavior or not
As for the time been I know not
A second chance has been long pleaded
and that I have thoughtfully granted

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

My Grandmother

Grand! Grand!! Better Grander
Nothing grander than my Grandmother
She is a woman of no small reputation 
A woman of great substantiation 

Her humility is heart conspicuous
Simplicity in her world of glamorous 
Calmly resolute in her determination
Wisely firmly flexible in her resolution

Religion is no compromising in her heart
Even though the world is tearing apart 
Her faith in God is unwavering 
Her character believes are no deviating

Far or near She loves dearly her family 
Do all her best to keep them in unity
Her desire for service is so strong
Even if she has to not eat for long

Her children she brought up in righteousness 
Her grandchildren she loves in fairness 
The sad tides of time knows not her fears
The drumming afflictions know not her ears

The world thought her life would be parted
When her cherished dear darling departed
But, no! She stood gallant and defied all odds 
Disarming all the duels with the aid of God

Her stream of light and hospitality like charms
Welcomes all to her gorgeous caring arms
She can enmesh you with her gracious manners
And drive you crazy with her grammars 

She is an excellent school teacher
And a devout Lay-Preacher
My very first teacher in primary school
Ah! Those days were really so cool

Even at the munificent age of eighty
She still stands as a quintessence of beauty
A virtuous jewel of unfathomable worth
A rear archetypal, mentor, and Mama on earth

Unequivocally I say happy birthday with love
Heaven blessings shower more you from above 
Am proud to be your grandson Mama
Indeed nothing grander than my Grandmother

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

My Cinderella

I didn't love you will be a big hoopla
All fancy was to glide with you
Because you were my only Cinderella
If only you can but my heart see

I love you is what you will find
Even now etched still are those words
To the moon take I you want
On the eve of our nuptials planned

To have your head lay all night on my breast
Kissing your lips till they change complexion
Whispering the sweet tones of love
While driving you to the élite of orgasm
Anyhow, anywhere, any day, hour and time

I wish to wipe all your tears and sad moments
Away with dazzling happiness and joy as surrogates
I didn't know you love me will be a bigger lie
Me saw it all over you crystal clear
Your clothes, shoes, hair, even the air shows
That I was and Am the Prince of your heart

Willing I was to drive to the devil's gate
As prove that I truly loved and loves you
I didn't know you're in pains will be the biggest lie
Think not that your pleas are in vain
Although you were the first to cut the clod

It twinges my heart to hear you cry
I wish I could make your day a little brighter
I wish I could send magic to ease your pains
My heart refused to stop beating for you
Truly, frankly, honestly, I loved and loves still

But my darling, in the eternal voyage of marriage
Love though deep and genuine is not enough
Good character-manners, understanding, respect
Crucial rudiments needed to embark on the passage

If we take to this expedition with love alone
When the cyclone and tumultuous wind will blow
Like a foolish man building his house on sand
Our love-built-ship; marriage will sink even
Before leaving the sea shore of solemnization
Giving us both eternal catastrophic scare in heart

Parting though painful, regretted I never
For loving and my world with you shared
My refusal to voyage, think not my heart's stone
Am only avoiding unending qualms of tomorrow.

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Miracles Happens

Though troubles assail
And war affrights
Though government should fail
And sickness unite
Yet one thing secures us
Whatever betides?
Jesus Christ assures us
The healing his blood provides

Do we not know God?
The same yesterday, today, and forever
In him alone lies the healing rod
Our merciful God-Eternal Father
In whom there are no changing shadows
From morn to eventide
Jesus Christ assures us
The healing his blood provides

Jesus has borne our grief
And wholly carried our sorrows
Though sickness our souls grief
Jesus borne them to forever tomorrows
Then despise, wonder and fear not
Whatever sickness our lands betides
Jesus Christ assures in might
The healing his blood provides

Have miracles ceased?
To all I boldly say NAY eternally
Angels too still minister in peace
"Come unto me" rings eternally
Faith in Christ does saves
Beloved, then cry not whatever betides
The word of God truly gives
The healing Christ blood provides.

Friday, 2 January 2015

The Egg

Saw it I the day laid it was
Lustrously shinning without a fuss
Sun and rain fought their hands
Lay but fail it gain a glance
Day by day grew it was firmly
Unshaken, unyielding its place hardly
With tender caring loving heart
Nurtured it was to grow in part
After days of incubation life
Gave it out a stunning bird in strife
Gorgeous creature come must it above
Care thus take it must with love
Me saw it freely lived
Sailor like it heaved 
In a sudden then clear day
Jiggled it and flew away
A voice heard me not a call nor
Saw me it no, again more
A beautiful lovely bird it grew
Precipitously disappeared like the dew.