Tuesday, 25 August 2015

My Cinderella

I didn't love you will be a big hoopla
All fancy was to glide with you
Because you were my only Cinderella
If only you can but my heart see

I love you is what you will find
Even now etched still are those words
To the moon take I you want
On the eve of our nuptials planned

To have your head lay all night on my breast
Kissing your lips till they change complexion
Whispering the sweet tones of love
While driving you to the élite of orgasm
Anyhow, anywhere, any day, hour and time

I wish to wipe all your tears and sad moments
Away with dazzling happiness and joy as surrogates
I didn't know you love me will be a bigger lie
Me saw it all over you crystal clear
Your clothes, shoes, hair, even the air shows
That I was and Am the Prince of your heart

Willing I was to drive to the devil's gate
As prove that I truly loved and loves you
I didn't know you're in pains will be the biggest lie
Think not that your pleas are in vain
Although you were the first to cut the clod

It twinges my heart to hear you cry
I wish I could make your day a little brighter
I wish I could send magic to ease your pains
My heart refused to stop beating for you
Truly, frankly, honestly, I loved and loves still

But my darling, in the eternal voyage of marriage
Love though deep and genuine is not enough
Good character-manners, understanding, respect
Crucial rudiments needed to embark on the passage

If we take to this expedition with love alone
When the cyclone and tumultuous wind will blow
Like a foolish man building his house on sand
Our love-built-ship; marriage will sink even
Before leaving the sea shore of solemnization
Giving us both eternal catastrophic scare in heart

Parting though painful, regretted I never
For loving and my world with you shared
My refusal to voyage, think not my heart's stone
Am only avoiding unending qualms of tomorrow.