Friday, 22 December 2017

Christmas Is Here Again

Christmas is here again
With its carols, singings, and funfairs 
Packed with jingles and stories
Some interestingly funny and others scary
Lots of much expensive shopping and choppings 
Borrowing for so much fun and goods
Borrowed or not, its Christmas they say
Lots of fryings, cooking, and toasting
Friends and families calling far and near
With almost never-ending party hosting
"Oh Holy Night," says the Christmas song
With stars brightly shining and divine
A night of giving and thanksgiving
This Holy night is now partying night
plagued with selfishness and greed
a high state of ingratitude; never giving
No thought for the "Little Lord Jesus"
Whose glorious birth we rejoice
when the Christmas is come and gone
Soon the charades will be gone and forgotten
Only those precious Holy moments we had
Characterized by thankfulness and love
remains indelible in the mind all year.

Monday, 7 August 2017

My Soul Delight In Writing

I will write and write I will
Write about the gorgeous world
The sun, moon and brilliant stars
I will write about the politics of the West
The turbulence serendipity of the East
The tranquility perspicacity of the South
The capacious hullabaloos of the North
Yes! I will write and write well
Even about the devil and hell
About the subjugated exquisiteness of Africa
Her appealing dexterousness hands
Her grandeur Lilly-encompassing lands.
Oh yes! I will write about what I feel
Whether or not it is true, false, fake or real
The verisimilitude blessings of Heaven
The vicissitude of mortality
I will write, write, and write about humanity
But my friend will you have the time to read
Whether or not my words will be corralled
Whether what I write makes nous or not
Romeo dying for Juliet was a tragic history
Today it is a quixotic story. 
So I will write in weather cold or hot
Yes! I will write about religion and culture
The exasperation of the virile bantam creature
Or its appealingly womanly antagonist friend
The elation, discomforts, glee and angst of womanhood
The jostles, egos, otiose gaits of manhood
The pen is mightier than mighty swords
Making the ecosphere read and read my words
My soul delight in writing; striking like lightening.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

The Month of FEBRUARY

Image result for february
A month of many doves
carrying gifts packs of love
too many lovers to give
as if no other time to live

A month of broken promises
based on unfounded excuses
a perfect time to love depart
with little to love the impact

It is the December of love
with kisses falling from above
through painted red lips
and irresistibly dancing hips

A month where "I love you" invites
for 'bedmatics' all through the nights
giving many undesired 9 months contract
because of the many night contacts

A month where promiscuity  unmasked
blatantly in the name of Valentine
giving side chicks momentary 'joyfulment' 
forcing the centered chicks to 'lonelyment'
if these are the packages of Val
Romeo won't agree to die for Juliet 

Saturday, 4 February 2017

The Sabbath: A Day of Gratitude

Image result for sabbath day
With six days to labor
In all of earthly ports of harbor
The Sabbath definitely is a day
To give of all our thanks away

For the Sun, Moon, Stars, and rain
The blood that flows in the vein
The joy of loved ones around
For harvest and fruits of the ground

For small and great Delightful Inspirations
Which spurs noble mortal directions
For blessings of the gift of life
Blessings that gives joy in strife

For the joy of the glorious Gospel
With its life-enriching splendid principles
Oh! The Sabbath, a great delight
Illuminating the mind with eternal light

With six days to labor
In all earthly ports of harbor
The most recompensing is the Sabbath day
To give of all our thanks away

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Happy Birthday To An Exquisite Jewel

When I ruminate on the 4th day of January
Wedged in my cognizance a great pearly
Its not about ornament or trinket
But a great paragon so translucent
I speak of no bravura earthly other
Than my ebulliently gorgeous Mother
Nomenclated beautifully as Seleipiri
With a divine gist: God choose for me
For nine months I respired in her womb
Myriad of days I nourished from her breast
So saccharine like fresh honey-comb
While I cruised through infancy nest
Oh how I love you dearest mother
Your tender hands washed my skin
And offered to the world a delightful being
Your lovely bosom warmed me all night
As I snooze hearing your silvery voice
Making my petite heart in dream rejoice
Shed deluge of tears for me when sickening
Relentlessly imploring Heaven for my healing
While crushing down on bended knee
All for a scraggy bantam precious me
Am ever grateful to God Almighty
For a priceless benediction like you.
This comes to you on the day you were born
That you mean more than words can fathom
Happy wonderful Birthday Dear Mother
May your days on earth be longer