Monday 7 August 2017

My Soul Delight In Writing

I will write and write I will
Write about the gorgeous world
The sun, moon and brilliant stars
I will write about the politics of the West
The turbulence serendipity of the East
The tranquility perspicacity of the South
The capacious hullabaloos of the North
Yes! I will write and write well
Even about the devil and hell
About the subjugated exquisiteness of Africa
Her appealing dexterousness hands
Her grandeur Lilly-encompassing lands.
Oh yes! I will write about what I feel
Whether or not it is true, false, fake or real
The verisimilitude blessings of Heaven
The vicissitude of mortality
I will write, write, and write about humanity
But my friend will you have the time to read
Whether or not my words will be corralled
Whether what I write makes nous or not
Romeo dying for Juliet was a tragic history
Today it is a quixotic story. 
So I will write in weather cold or hot
Yes! I will write about religion and culture
The exasperation of the virile bantam creature
Or its appealingly womanly antagonist friend
The elation, discomforts, glee and angst of womanhood
The jostles, egos, otiose gaits of manhood
The pen is mightier than mighty swords
Making the ecosphere read and read my words
My soul delight in writing; striking like lightening.