Tuesday 27 December 2016


Christmas always comes with pleasure
Enjoyed I have without pressure 
Jumping up and down, so much fun and party
With rice and stew very plenty 
Venues though far apart in distance
Never missing I've been always at once
Attending endless carols and singing
Joyful singing with my sonorous voice
Making hearts and minds all rejoice
culminating in afterwards endless dancing
fun so hilarious that ribs cracks 
Not forgetting joyful eating with the Pack's
But despite all these fun and more
Stands a gigantic sorrow at my heart's door
Intermittently swirls now and then in my heart
Almost enshrouds pleasure moments in part
Its not one of missing party nor delicious meal
Nor one of physical injury refusing to heal
Its a ginormous sorrow of not been with my family
To enjoy the pleasant moments so lovely
Joy pleasure at day; tearful moments at night
incessant deluge of tears covering my eyes sight
Been not with my beloveds and their voices hear
At the most wonderful and happiest time of the year.

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