Saturday 4 February 2017

The Sabbath: A Day of Gratitude

Image result for sabbath day
With six days to labor
In all of earthly ports of harbor
The Sabbath definitely is a day
To give of all our thanks away

For the Sun, Moon, Stars, and rain
The blood that flows in the vein
The joy of loved ones around
For harvest and fruits of the ground

For small and great Delightful Inspirations
Which spurs noble mortal directions
For blessings of the gift of life
Blessings that gives joy in strife

For the joy of the glorious Gospel
With its life-enriching splendid principles
Oh! The Sabbath, a great delight
Illuminating the mind with eternal light

With six days to labor
In all earthly ports of harbor
The most recompensing is the Sabbath day
To give of all our thanks away

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