Friday 12 September 2014

The Voyage

Copious peaceful tranquility
Enshrouds the façade domiciliary
I gazed and gazed
Envisioning serenity with my eyes
It worth pleasantly my gaze
Blatant sonny lifestyle here
High, low intermingling- communal share
I obsessed, loved, venerated the community
What exists; a conspicuous humility
Connoisseur and winebibber almost I, became
Unequivocally they articulates welcome
Varmus not I wish the abode
The voyage obligatorily continue abroad
Tick tock tick tock swaggers the time
With its unpalatably-sonorous rhythmical chime
Swashbuckler returns, berthed ashore
Alas! To continue a peaceful abode in store
I gawked and gazed and scrutinized
Peaceful domiciliary now ablaze
Perplexity enshrouds the tranquil community
Chaotic grimaces, all in higgledy piggledy
Traditional rhythmical glockenspiels of love bolted away
Now hazy the pleasant sunshine ray
What has triggered this anarchious hullabaloo?
Excruciating pains engulfed me lo!
Discovered I the self-aggrandized dilemma
The hunger and thirst for kingly power
Like oxidized nut disjointed the accord maxilla
Leaving a subjugated hatred to scorch like fire
Who subvert this combustoflatulation can?
Is it the unscrupulous parochial new cohort plan?
Or the goodly self-aggrandized gray-haired scrutiny?
I combobulated: not the beguiling sophistry word
Of the heaven-turned-prosperity parson’s rod
Can assuage the conflagration-the tintinnabulation bell
The tale too tall to tell
Voyager vowed venerably vamoosed
Never again on the land buzzed.

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