Tuesday 29 July 2014


Vehicles no matter how large
Are driven by small nub
Deeds though appears very huge
Can reoccur with simple thank you

Planes despite how high they fly
Are brought down with a small beacon
Anger in its highest zenith
Are hauled low with a sincere I’m sorry

Machines in their enormous sizes
Are controlled with small buttons
Hearts in their far most straying
Can be back with a sincere I love you

Ships regardless of their size
Are starred with small nuts
Hearts despite the depths of pains
Are softened with an understanding it’s okay

Horses are controlled wherever to
With beats fixed to their mouth
Humans irrespective of their status
Be controlled with a smiling please.

The depths of pains, height of gratitude
The length of favor, best of comfort
Are expressed with simple small words
More magical than black spells

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